Mayonnaise Sauce Recipe

Mayonnaise may be defined as a cold sauce. It may be served either as sauce in its own right or form the basis of other sauces. It is an emulsification of egg yolks and oil with additional flavor derived from vinegar and mustard. The type of oil used, e.g. olive oil or corn oil, and the type of vinegar — usually malt but may occasionally be one of the wine variety — very largely determines the flavor.

Mayonnaise sauce is served exclusively with cold foods – salads, meat, poultry, game and fish, offals and cold made-up dishes such as pies. However, sauces derived from mayonnaise may be used as an accompaniment to hot fish dishes, e.g. Tartare Sauce may be served with fried fish in breadcrumbs.

Makes: 1 liter. Preparation time: by hand — 15 minutes, by machine – 5 minutes.

1/4 dl vinegar
1 teaspoon dry English mustard
5-6 egg yolks
1 liter oil
seasoning of salt and pepper

(1) Place the vinegar, mustard and egg yolks into a basin or the bowl of a mixing machine and begin whisking.
(2) Slowly incorporate the oil until it has all been added.
(3) If whisked by machine, remove. Season to taste.

(1) To make a light coloured sauce lemon juice should be used instead of vinegar.
(2) A little hot water may be added to thin the sauce.

Assessment of the completed sauce
(1) The sauce should be yellow in color.
(2) Its consistency depends upon its use, ranging from a thick sauce that will pipe through a star tube and hold its shape to a light coating consistency.
(3) The flavour depends upon the type of oil and vinegar used.
(4) It should be well seasoned to bring out the flavours of the ingredients.
(5) It should be smooth and velvety in texture.
(6) It should be kept cold but not chilled.

Possible problem: Sauce has curdled
— eggs were stale or too cold; use only fresh ingredients of good quality.
— oil added too fast; whisk the sauce slowly onto a little uncurdled mayonnaise or egg yolks.
— oil too cold when added; whisk the sauce slowly onto a little warm water or a little uncurdled mayonnaise.
— oil too hot when added; whisk the sauce slowly onto a little cold water, a little uncurdled mayonnaise or additional egg yolks.
— completed sauce held at the wrong temperature; if held at too low a temperature rectify as for adding cold oil; if held at too high a temperature rectify as for adding hot oil.